Suite Cabardès
“Purple And Blue”
- 30 m2
- 2 guests
- 1 bed
- 1 bathroom
- Free WIFI
- Air conditioner
Cabardès, terroir viticole au Nord-Ouest de Carcassonne sur les contreforts de la Montagne Noire.
Suite aux tons grenats du vin, associant intensité et délicatesse des cépages de cette appellation.
Ivresse totale dans le bleu – violet !
Quéribus, citadel of vertigo par excellence!
Suite mixing exposed stone and abstract art in reference to the ruins of this Castle.
Welcome to Cathar Country!
Minervoise, Goddess of Wisdom and Warrior Intelligence or inhabitant of Minerve, picturesque village of Minervois.
This Suite in pink tones immerses you in a classic atmosphere in reference to boudoirs, sober and elegant.
I’m talking to you about a time…
Cabrespine, giant and dizzying chasm.
This Suite with atypical volumes and Cuban accents takes you into a private Club in Havana.
Let’s go!